
Showing posts from July, 2018

Where Are We Going, and Why Are We All In This Handbasket?!

And so it begins. The obligatory girlie-blog post about fitness or the lack thereof. If you've ever seen me, you know that Lexx ain't no pixie. All my life I've been a chubby piece of Heaven. Don't get me wrong. I'm not downing myself or anything. I think I'm pretty doggone beautiful and my husband does too. For me, "fat" has always been something I am, not something bad, and I think that's a pretty good attitude to have. Bodies are different and there's nothing we can do about it. If we all looked the same, what a boring world it would be. I don't think that being "fat" necessarily has anything to do with how healthy a person is, and definitely nothing to do with how beautiful a person is. However, this year is the ten year anniversary of my mother's death. My mom died at age 66 from congestive heart failure, which is a complication that can arise from cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is an inherited trait ...